[Satellite] Installing Disconnected Sat6.11 failed with error, "Problem: module satellite:el8:61120220803152113:50055556.x86_64 requires module(postgresql:12), but none of the providers can be installed"
- Installing disconnected Sat6.11 failed with error, "Problem: module satellite:el8:61120220803152113:50055556.x86_64 requires module(postgresql:12), but none of the providers can be installed"
# cd /media/sat6/
# ./install_packages
This script will install the satellite packages on the current machine.
- Ensuring we are in an expected directory.
- Copying installation files.
- Creating Satellite Repository File
- Creating Maintenance Repository File
- Checking to see if Satellite is already installed.
- Importing the gpg key.
Problems in request:
Modular dependency problems with Defaults:
Problem: module satellite:el8:61120220803152113:50055556.x86_64 requires module(postgresql:12), but none of the providers can be installed
- module postgresql:10:8060020211213101623:d63f516d.x86_64 conflicts with module(postgresql:12) provided by postgresql:12:8060020211130125541:d63f516d.x86_64
- module postgresql:12:8060020211130125541:d63f516d.x86_64 conflicts with module(postgresql:10) provided by postgresql:10:8060020211213101623:d63f516d.x86_64
- conflicting requests
- Installation repository will remain configured for future package installs.
- Installation media can now be safely unmounted.
Install is complete. Please run satellite-installer --scenario satellite
- Disconnected Satellite 6.11
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