Routing policy fails when a request doesn't match any mapping rules

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  • Routing policy fails when a request doesn't match any mapping rules
    1) Create a product, an application plan, and an application
    2) Confirm a GET request to the product and get a 200 OK response.
    3) Add Routing policy to the product. Configure operations like this:

    "condition": {
        "combine_op": "or",
        "operations": [
                "value_type": "plain",
                "op": "==",
                "value": "/aaa",
                "match": "path",
                "header_name": "dummy-header"
    "url": ""

    4) Confirm a GET request that the path is /aaa is routed by the policy
    5) Confirm a POST request that the path is /aaa gets 404 No Mapping Rule matched.
    6) Add a mapping rule POST /
    7) Confirm a POST request that the path is /aaa is routed by the policy


Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.13.0

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