Red Hat Satellite 6 Upgrade or Backup Restore: Failed Pulpcore Database Migration Due to Sudo Permission Issue (Error Exit Status 1: sudo: sudoers Specifies That Root is Not Allowed to Sudo)

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • The following error is encountered during the Red Hat Satellite 6 upgrade process.

    Running Procedures after migrating to Satellite 6.12.z
    Refresh detected features:                                            [OK] 
    Start applicable services: 
    Starting the following service(s):
    redis, postgresql, pulpcore-api, pulpcore-content, qdrouterd, qpidd, pulpcore-worker@1.service, pulpcore-worker@2.service, tomcat, dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator, foreman, 
    httpd, puppetserver, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-1, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue-1, foreman-proxy, foreman-cockpit
    | All services started                                                [OK]      
    Trim RPM changelogs in the pulpcore db: 
    | Trimming RPM changelogs                                             [FAIL]    
    Failed executing sudo PULP_SETTINGS=/etc/pulp/ pulpcore-manager rpm-trim-changelogs, exit status 1:
     sudo: sudoers specifies that root is not allowed to sudo
    Scenario [Procedures after migrating to Satellite 6.12.z] failed.
    The following steps ended up in failing state:
    In case the failures are false positives, use
  • The restoration process of a backup on a Red Hat Satellite server is failing due to the following error.

    I, [2023-03-10 03:48:20+0000 #49723]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Migrate pulpcore db' [pulpcore-migrate] started ---
    D, [2023-03-10 03:48:22+0000 #49723] DEBUG -- : Running command sudo PULP_SETTINGS=/etc/pulp/ python3-django-admin migrate --noinput with stdin nil
    D, [2023-03-10 03:48:22+0000 #49723] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
    sudo: sudoers specifies that root is not allowed to sudo
    E, [2023-03-10 03:48:22+0000 #49723] ERROR -- : Failed executing sudo PULP_SETTINGS=/etc/pulp/ python3-django-admin migrate --noinput, exit status 1:
    sudo: sudoers specifies that root is not allowed to sudo (ForemanMaintain::Error::ExecutionError)
  • What could be the possible reasons for the error message Failed executing sudo while migrating the Pulpcore database?

  • How can you troubleshoot the error message sudoers specifies that root is not allowed to sudo in Pulpcore migration?

  • What are the steps to resolve the error message Failed executing sudo PULP_SETTINGS=/etc/pulp/ - - python3-django-admin migrate --noinput, exit status 1" during Pulpcore migration?

  • Can the error message "Failed executing sudo" occur due to incorrect Pulpcore configurations or settings? If yes, how can it be resolved?


  • Red Hat Satellite 6

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