How to configure alerts in ARO to be notified about out of support cluster or incidents
- Azure Red Hat OpenShift ( ARO )
Azure Red Hat OpenShift ( ARO ) has configured some alerts that can trigger a notification to the operation team if a change made into the cluster is not supported.
Notification sent by SRE about Azure Red Hat OpenShift when a configuration is unsupported.
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If a change is done in the Azure Red Hat Openshift environment that could let the cluster in an unsupported state, an alert is triggered in the Red Hat SRE team to take an action.
If the change/configuration was done by the customer and cannot be reverted by SRE, a communication is sent to the customer.
Those alerts are not configured by default in Azure. The steps to configure the alerts on Azure, to be aware of any unsupported configuration are described in Create activity log alerts on service notifications using the Azure portal.
It is possible to check if a communication was already sent to the service in Service Health | Health advisories.
To understand deeper how the notification works in Azure, it's beneficial to read about the subject in Service Health portal classic experience overview.
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