Cluster installation failed with error code OCM3049: MultipleRoute53ZonesFound

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Openshift Container Platform (OCP 4)
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA 4)
  • Red Hat Openshift Dedicated 4 (OSD 4)


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  • Cluster installation failed with error code OCM3049: MultipleRoute53ZonesFound.
  • Following message was displayed in OCM:
Provisioning Error Code:    OCM3049
Provisioning Error Message: DNS zone conflicts encountered.
  • Following error log is observed in the install logs:
Error: multiple Route53Zone found please use vpc_id option to filter


The problem seems to be because a previous cluster must not have had its Route53 HostedZone removed on uninstallation. As a result, the previously created route53 entries were still there and are conflicting with the cluster's DNS.

The cluster's installation is blocked because a duplicate Route53 HostedZone already exists in the customer's account. To resolve this, please verify the Route53 configuration and if this hosted zone is required no longer required, please remove it and re-attempt the cluster installation.

If you need help from Red Hat, please open a support case with us by clicking here.

Root Cause

The error "MultipleRoute53ZonesFound" gets displayed when there were previously created route53 entries still hanging around that were conflicting with the cluster DNS, which blocked the cluster installation.

This is more likely to happen when the customer is having a lot of clusters running in the same account, and they are frequently provisioning/deprovisioning the clusters. If cleanup of the prior cluster with the same sub-domain has not completed when the new cluster with same subdomain is created, this is the expected behavior.

Hive does not create or register the 'unique' basedomain slug, that's Cluster Service. Cluster Service reserves a pool of basedomain slugs for an organization and will attempt to re-use them. As no other cluster was known to Cluster Service to be using the basedomain slug, it was "free" in the pool and Cluster Service decided to re-use it for this cluster.

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