Prometheus is firing some ThanosNoRuleEvaluations or ThanosQueryHighDNSFailures alerts
- Alerts shown in the console about
ThanosNoRuleEvaluations 2023-01-04T19:35:41.551016647Z openshift-user-workload-monitoring thanos-ruler warning Thanos Rule <IP>:9091 in openshift-user-workload-monitoring did not perform any rule evaluations in the past 10 minutes.
- or
ThanosQueryHighDNSFailures 2023-01-26T11:21:01.172780466Z openshift-monitoring thanos-querier warning Thanos Query thanos-querier in openshift-monitoring have 11.11% of failing DNS queries for store end
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
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