Excessive memory consumption by SDN pods in ROSA

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4


  • SDN pods are occupying too much memory.
  • Node is running out of memory resources due to high memory consumption by SDN pods.


  • This issue is being tracked by the Engineering team in Red Hat Bugzilla 1370.
  • The workaround is to restart the SDN pods consuming too much memory.

$ oc delete pod sdn-xxxx -n openshift-sdn

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the memory consumption of the nodes.

$ oc adm top nodes NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-XX-X-XXX-XX.XXXXX.compute.internal 779m 9% 9684Mi 105% ip-XX-X-XXX-XXX.XXXXX.compute.internal 340m 8% 3142Mi 100%
  • Check the memory consumption of the SDN pods.
NAME                 CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   

sdn-xxxx              900m         21143Mi         

sdn-xxxx              54m          22959Mi     

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