[RHOCP 4] Pods are stuck in ContainerCreating state: http2: client connection lost
- When deployed pods get stuck in
state. Containers in the pod are stuck in waiting status and the pod never successfully gets an IP assigned. -
Events from the affected namespace.
$ oc get events -n <affected-namespace> (openshift-storage in this example) 35s Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox pod/noobaa-operator-xxx (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create pod network sandbox k8s_noobaa-operator-xxx_openshift-storage_4658ed69-8dbb-49ef-b6fc-6575c7b59b43_0(b04981f5be63470994467292c077505bb8b9f78c5379737b5997bbaa415f80de): error adding pod openshift-storage_noobaa-operator-xxx to CNI network "multus-cni-network": Multus: [openshift-storage/noobaa-operator-xxx]: error setting the networks status: SetNetworkStatus: failed to update the pod noobaa-operator-xxx in out of cluster comm: SetNetworkStatus: failed to update the pod noobaa-operator-xxx in out of cluster comm: status update failed for pod openshift-storage/noobaa-operator-xxx: Put "https://[api-int.xxx]:6443/api/v1/namespaces/openshift-storage/pods/noobaa-operator-xxx/status?timeout=1m0s": http2: client connection lost
If using OVN as the CNI. look at the OVNkube node logs on the affected node. Will repeatedly see this pattern.
CNI ADD completes 15:01:09.711165 4536 cni.go:248] [<namespace>/<pod-name>] ADD finished CNI request [<namespace>/<pod-name>], result "{\"interfaces\":[{\"name\":\" <netns_id>\",\"mac\":\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\"},{\"name\":\"eth0\",\"mac\":\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\",\"sandbox\":\"/var/run/netns/afbab413-4a03-4e82-8877-c61a719ef663\"}],\"ips\":[{\"interface\":1,\"address\":\"xx.xxx.xxx.x/23\",\"gateway\":\"xx.xxx.xxx.x\"}],\"dns\":{}}", err <nil> 45s later CNI DEL is called: 15:01:54.908021 4536 cni.go:227][<namespace>/<pod-name>] DEL finished CNI request [<namespace>/<pod-name>], result "{\"dns\":{}}", err <nil> CNI ADD invoked again 15:01:56.055706 4536 cni.go:227] [<namespace>/<pod-name>] ADD starting CNI request [<namespace>/<pod-name>]
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
- 4
- F5 LoadBalancer
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