[BM-IPI] Installation fails when the bootstrapExternalStaticGateway IP is not a DNS server

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform [RHOCP]
    • 4.11+


  • The release-image pull fails on bootstrap node due to lookup failures:
$ journalctl -b -f -u release-image.service -u bootkube.service
-- Logs begin at Fri 2022-10-28 07:17:32 UTC. --
Oct 28 07:18:25 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Download the OpenShift Release Image...
Oct 28 07:18:25 localhost.localdomain release-image-download.sh[1770]: Pulling quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:94b611f00f51c9acc44ca3f4634e46bd79d7d28b46047c7e3389d250698f0c99...
Oct 28 07:19:06 localhost.localdomain release-image-download.sh[1849]: Error: initializing source docker://quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:94b611f00f51c9acc44ca3f4634e46bd79d7d28b46047c7e3389d250698f0c99: pinging container registry quay.io: Get "https://quay.io/v2/": proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp: lookup proxy-example.com on <bootstrapExternalStaticGateway>:53: read udp x.x.x.x:51457-><bootstrapExternalStaticGateway>:53: i/o timeout
  • The IP assigned to bootstrapExternalStaticGateway is treated as a nameserver during baremetal installer-provisioned installation.


  • Red Hat is aware of this behavior and is being tracked through OCPBUGS-3542.

Root Cause

  • As per the current structure of nmconnection template, the value assigned to bootstrapExternalStaticGateway parameter in the install-config is used as the gateway as well as the dns.

  • Scenarios where the gateway is implemented as router and could not be configured as DNS proxy, the installation would fail. Hence, the team is discussing on the possibility of including a separate parameter for bootstrapExternalStaticDNS.

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