If My Subscription Expires or Is Out of Compliance, How Is My Automation Impacted When Using Ansible Automation Platform?

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  • Ansible Automation Platform >= 2


  • When using Ansible Automation Platform, several conditions can affect your licensing such as it expiring or the automated host count being greater than your subscription can accommodate.

  • In the UI, under Settings -> Subscription, the Status field will show if you are compliant or not. You are compliant when the number of hosts you have automated against is below your subscription count. If you go above, then it'll show as Non-Compliant.


Versions 2.4 and higher

The platform should continue to function without change while you work with your account team to obtain a new subscription entitlement.

Versions 2.0 - 2.3

Behavior is identified in the following table:

AAP2 Function When Out Of Compliance When Subscription Expired
Add Project
Dynamic Inventory Sync
Manual Host Addition
Add Template
Add Workflow
Run Job Template
Run Workflow
Backup and restore
Upgrade to newer version 1

  1. The "Upgrade to newer version" limitation has been removed in 2.1.2. ↩︎

Diagnostic Steps

You can check your current license compliance by logging into your Controller node, and then navigating to the API at


There you will find the "license_info" that includes:

"license_info": {
        "instance_count": 35,
        "license_date": "1798779599",
        "license_type": "enterprise",
        "sku": "MCT3691",
        "trial": false,
        "usage": "",
        "pool_id": "8a85f99c7d76adcd017d93c9f19606bb",
        "satellite": false,
        "valid_key": true,
        "product_name": "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Standard (100 Managed Nodes)",
        "support_level": "Standard",
        "account_number": "5910538",
        "subscription_id": "10433839",
        "subscription_name": "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Standard (35 Managed Nodes)",
        "deleted_instances": 0,
        "reactivated_instances": 0,
        "current_instances": 22,
        "automated_instances": 20,
        "automated_since": 1704399664,
        "free_instances": 15,
        "time_remaining": 90075302,
        "grace_period_remaining": 92667302,
        "compliant": true,                             <------
        "date_warning": false,
        "date_expired": false

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