Path and query parameters are not decoded properly UndertowOptions#ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH in JBoss EAP 7.4

Solution Unverified - Updated -


path& query parameters are not decoded properly due to flag/meaning switch of flag

This means that not only parts of code had wrong value hardcoded, but UndertowOptions#ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH had opposite meaning.

Using a predicate path-prefix('/foo') -> rewrite('/bar${remaining}') for a request path that already has some url-encoded segments will result in rewritten path being different than intended.

For example, a request to /foo/hello%2Fworld will end up being /bar/hello%252Fworld instead of the expected /bar/hello%2Fworld

I noticed this problem on WildFly in a JAX-RS method that must handle such urlencoded values in a @PathParam


  • Red Hat Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 7.4

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