Azure StorageClass Geo-redundant storage (GRS)

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4.x


Is it possible to create a StorageClass in an Azure Cluster (IPI Install) using SKU types with Geo Replicated Storage (GRS)?


Unfortunately, GRS is not supported by the Azure CSI driver at this time.
It is currently not included in the list of supported SKU types.
As per the Azure disk CSI docs.

Azure Stack only supports Standard Locally-redundant (Standard_LRS) and Premium Locally-redundant (Premium_LRS) Storage Account types, so only Standard_LRS and Premium_LRS are valid for parameter skuName in a StorageClass.

Therefore Standard_GRS and Standard_RAGRS cannot be used in a StorageClass.

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