nmcli changes do not persist between reboots

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4.7
    • 4.8
    • 4.9


When manually making network changes to a Red Hat CoreOS OpenShift node using nmcli the change is lost after rebooting.


  • This issue was fixed for some clusters in 4.10.3 with Pull Request 2742

  • If your version is affected, copy the contents of the tmpfs mount to the persistent filesystem using the following command:

nmcli connection modify <con_name> ipv6.method dhcp
cp /etc/NetworkManager/systemConnectionsMerged/<con_name>.nmconnection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<con_name>.nmconnection`

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Root Cause

This Issue was introduced due to changes made to CoreOS and the NetworkManager config for the NMState operator. This included creating an overlay filesystem that allowed nmstate to write network manager configurations without persisting them to disk, this would allow changes to automatically revert on reboot. However, this has the side effect of also affecting nmcli changes.

More details can be found in Bug Report: 1970021.

Diagnostic Steps

To check if a cluster is affected by the overlay filesystem, run the below command. An example of the output is shown.

If there is no output, this issue does not apply to the cluster.

# mount | grep NetworkManager
overlay on /etc/NetworkManager/systemConnectionsMerged type overlay (rw,relatime,seclabel,lowerdir=/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections,upperdir=/run/nm-system-connections,workdir=/run/nm-system-connections-work)

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