Failed to delete Add-on Cluster-Logging-Operator in OSD or ROSA

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service On AWS (ROSA)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)
    • 4
  • Cluster Logging Operator add-on


  • The add-on Cluster Logging Operator is stuck in the deleting state in OSD/ROSA.
  • The add-on Cluster Logging Operator has been deleting for longer than 2 hours on a cluster.


When the deletion of the Cluster Logging Operator add-on fails, it's needed to manually delete the csv and the serviceaccounts created:

  1. Check the name of the cluster-logging csv and delete it (changing the cluster-logging.[version] accordingly):

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-logging | grep cluster-logging
    $ oc delete csv cluster-logging.[version] -n openshift-logging
  2. Delete the serviceaccounts created by the Cluster Logging Operator add-on:

    $ oc delete sa addon-cluster-logging-operator-catalog -n openshift-logging
    $ oc delete sa cluster-logging-operator -n openshift-logging

Root Cause

The Service Accounts and CSV should be removed from the namespace openshift-logging for successful deletion of the Cluster Logging Operator add-on.

Note: The Cluster Logging Operator add-on is now deprecated, and will be removed. Installing Red Hat OpenShift Logging is the supported replacement.

Diagnostic Steps

Check if there is a pending CSV for the Cluster Logging Operator in the namespace openshift-logging:

$ oc get csv -n openshift-logging

Check if there are pending Service accounts for the Cluster Logging Operator in the namespace openshift-logging:

$ oc get sa -n openshift-logging

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