Alert received for missing permissions in ManagedOpenShift-Support-Role in AWS account

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4.x


  • Getting Alert/Error/Notification of missing support role of EC2:StartInstances, EC2:StopInstances and EC2:ModifyInstanceAttribute permission alerts are shown


  • Check the missing permissions of support-role for the ManagedOpenShift-Support-Role in AWS account:

Root Cause

  • The permissions to be added : EC2:StartInstances, EC2:StopInstances and EC2:ModifyInstanceAttribute are required for situation such as: Control plane resizing, AWS instance maintenance windows, occasions where an instance is in an unresponsive state due to etcd or machine config.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check and add missing permission in AWS CLI in ManagedOpenShift-Support-Role-Policy.json file.

  • You can also check, verify, add missing permission through login into AWS account web console:-

  • Go into IAM Policy > Roles > ManagedOpenShift-Support-Role-Policy >
    Check & confirm permission roles of EC2:StartInstances, EC2:StopInstances and EC2:ModifyInstanceAttribute

    "Version": "20XX-XX-XX",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [

            "Resource": "*"

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