Red Hat Satellite GUI shows the old Operating System version after a successful Operating System upgrade of the Red Hat Satellite server.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • On successful OS upgrade of the Satellite server to minor/major version, Red Hat Satellite GUI shows the old OS version for Red Hat Satellite server.

  • Installed product shows latest version:

    [root@satellite ~]# subscription-manager list --installed
       Installed Product Status
    Product Name: Red Hat Satellite
    Product ID:   250
    Version:      6.11
    Arch:         x86_64
    Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64
    Product ID:   479
    Version:      8.6
    Arch:         x86_64
  • After a successful in-place upgrade of the host to RHEL-8 using Leapp, Satellite Web UI still shows the old/wrong Operating System version.


  • Follow below steps as a workaround of Red Hat Bugzilla 2117289.

    • For Satellite Update the Operating system with following hammer command:

      [root@satellite ~]# hammer host update --name --operatingsystem "RHEL 8.x"
    • For Client Update the Operating system with following hammer command:

      [root@satellite ~]# hammer host update --name --operatingsystem "RHEL 8.x"

Root Cause

  • OS facts for the Red Hat Satellite server not getting updated after upgrade.

  • Puppet not updating changes in OS version on Red Hat Satellite WEBUI.

  • This is a known issue and currently being tracked under Public Red Hat Bugzilla 2117289.

  • For more information, open a support case with Red Hat Technical Support Team.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Red Hat Satellite GUI still shows the old Operating System version.

    Red Hat Satellite WEBUI --> Hosts --> Content Hosts --> OS
  • hammer command output shows:

    # hammer host info --name
      Operating system:        
       Architecture:           x86_64
       Operating System:       RHEL Server 7.9  ==========================>  Still shows 7.9, as the backend DB is not updated with the latest OS facts.
       Build:                  no
       Custom partition table:

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