Octavia log offloading not working
When configuring Octavia to offload its logs to syslog, the logs are not being sent to the syslog server. We noticed on the controller the octavia containers /etc/octavia/octavia.conf has the correct syslog server and parameters that we defined in the deployment, but when SSHing into one of the amphora instances we noticed that /etc/octavia/octavia.conf on the amphora instance doesn't have the values set that were defined in the parameters. Is this expected? We also noticed that we can't ping the gateway of our subnet even with ping allowed. We setup a test box with an interface on this network and we wer able to ping the gateway. The only difference we noticed was that we configured the test box as a VLAN and we do not see any Octavia parameters to set the VLAN for the network. Is this going to be an issue?
Configuration sample:
OctaviaLoadBalancerTopology: "ACTIVE_STANDBY"
OctaviaGenerateCerts: True
OctaviaMgmtPortDevName: "o-hm0"
OctaviaControlNetwork: 'lb-mgmt-net'
OctaviaControlSubnet: 'lb-mgmt-subnet'
OctaviaControlSecurityGroup: 'lb-mgmt-sec-group'
OctaviaControlSubnetCidr: '172.16.x.0/24'
OctaviaControlSubnetGateway: '172.16.x.1'
OctaviaControlSubnetPoolStart: '172.16.x.50'
OctaviaControlSubnetPoolEnd: '172.16.x.250'
OctaviaLogOffload: true
OctaviaForwardAllLogs: true
OctaviaAdminLogTargets: 172.17.x.x:514
OctaviaTenantLogTargets: 172.17.x.x:514
- Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2 (RHOSP)
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