Remove and Reinstall ODF Subscriptions and Cluster Service Versions (CSVs) - OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF)
- You upgraded OCP many versions and forgot to upgrade ODF
- Missing InstallPlan
- Missing ServiceAccounts, ConfigMaps, SCCs, etc.
or - The OCP cluster has been upgraded from jumping versions.
- After that, the operators and OCS/ODF have been upgraded.
Also, the OCS/ODF subscription has been deleted from the GUI.
Now, the cluster is working at the moment, including PVs and PVCs, however, no install plans have been found under ODF.
The ocs-operator logs show errors indicating could it not update the StorageCluster status:
2022-06-06T09:14:44.816184334Z {"level":"info","ts":1654506884.8161287,"logger":"controllers.StorageCluster","msg":"Status Update Error","Request.Namespace":"openshift-storage","Request.Name":"ocs-storagecluster","StatusUpdateErr":"Could not update storagecluster status"}
Current state of ODF subscription, ClusterServiceVersion and InstallPlan look similar to:
# oc get sub,csv,ip -n openshift-storage NAME DISPLAY VERSION REPLACES PHASE mcg-operator.v4.14.5-rhodf NooBaa Operator 4.14.5-rhodf mcg-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Succeeded ocs-operator.v4.14.5-rhodf OpenShift Container Storage 4.14.5-rhodf ocs-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Succeeded odf-csi-addons-operator.v4.14.5-rhodf CSI Addons 4.14.5-rhodf odf-csi-addons-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Succeeded odf-operator.v4.14.5-rhodf OpenShift Data Foundation 4.14.5-rhodf odf-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Succeeded NAME PACKAGE SOURCE CHANNEL mcg-operator-stable-4.12-redhat-operators-openshift-marketplace mcg-operator redhat-operators stable-4.14 ocs-operator-stable-4.12-redhat-operators-openshift-marketplace ocs-operator redhat-operators stable-4.14 odf-csi-addons-operator-stable-4.12-redhat-operators-openshift-marketplace odf-csi-addons-operator redhat-operators stable-4.14 odf-operator odf-operator redhat-operators stable-4.14 NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-4xmff ocs-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Automatic true install-lqm7f odf-operator.v4.14.5-rhodf Automatic true install-nx9x5 mcg-operator.v4.13.7-rhodf Automatic true install-sfpbw odf-operator.v4.14.4-rhodf Automatic true install-stlv7 odf-operator.v4.13.7-rhodf Automatic true
- OpenShift Data Foundation 4.x
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