Manifest generation fails with "Problem generating manifest for <allocation-name>: Runtime Error null at org.candlepin.sync.Exporter.exportIdentityCertificate:452".

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Customer Portal
  • Red Hat Satellite or Red Hat Ansible Tower


  • Unable to export manifest from a subscription allocation on the Customer Portal.

  • Manifest generation fails with either of these two errors:

    Problem generating manifest for <allocation-name>: Runtime Error null at 
    Problem generating manifest for CUSTOMERS_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOCATION_NAME: Runtime Error The consumer for export does not have a valid identity certificate at org.candlepin.sync.Exporter.exportIdentityCertificate:450


  • A workaround is to edit the allocation name, alter it and save the change. Then it should be possible to export the manifest without receiving an error message.

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