Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Machine Failed with error launching instance: You are not authorized to perform this operation
- The Machine creation is stuck in Failed phase with
Error Message
:error launching instance: You are not authorized to perform this operation
(without an encoded error message when running the cluster using service endpoints)
$ oc describe machines -n openshift-machine-api ${MACHINE_NAME} |grep 'Error Message:'
Error Message: error launching instance: You are not authorized to perform this operation.
- The Machine creation is stuck in Failed phase with
Error Message
:error launching instance: You are not authorized to perform this operation
(with an encoded error message)
$ ENCODED_ERROR_MESSAGE=$(oc describe machines -n openshift-machine-api ${MACHINE_NAME} |grep 'Error Message:' | awk -F'failure message: ' '{print$2}')
$ oc describe machines -n openshift-machine-api ${MACHINE_NAME} |grep 'Error Message:'
Error Message: error launching instance: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message: ${ENCODED_ERROR_MESSAGE}
- The decoded error message shows that the permissions used by Machine API are not allowed to run the action
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
- 4.x
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- IAM service
- Authentication Mode: manual with STS
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