[RHOCP 4] File integrity failing on file multus or istio-cni kubeconfig

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4


  • File integrity operator reports failed status for the file /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d/multus.d/multus.kubeconfig
  • File integrity operator reports failed status for the file /etc/cni/multus/net.d/v2-3-istio-cni.kubeconfig
  • File integrity operator reporting file modification on each node, marking the node status as Failed:

    $ oc get fileintegritynodestatuses.fileintegrity.openshift.io -n openshift-file-integrity
    NAME                                                   NODE            STATUS
    infra-fileintegrity-infra0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx     infra0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx    Failed
    infra-fileintegrity-infra1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx     infra1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx    Failed
    master-fileintegrity-master0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   master0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   Failed
    master-fileintegrity-master1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   master1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   Failed
    master-fileintegrity-master2.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   master2.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   Failed
    worker-fileintegrity-worker0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   worker0.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   Failed
    worker-fileintegrity-worker1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   worker1.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   Failed
    worker-fileintegrity-worker2.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx   worker2..xxx.xxx.xxx.xx  Failed


  • Check if there exists customized AIDE(Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) configuration file.

    $ oc get cm -n openshift-file-integrity
    worker-aide-conf                                         1     100d
    aide-worker-fileintegrity-worker2.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx-failed  1     100d
  • In the customized AIDE configuration file, make sure to add this location /hostroot/etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d/* under "OpenShift specific excludes" as shown below:

    $ oc get cm aide-worker-fileintegrity-worker0.xxxx-xxx-ocp.xxx.xxx.xx-failed -o yaml > <filename>.yaml
    $ vi <filename>.yaml 
    # OpenShift specific excludes
    !/hostroot/etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d/*         <-----------------append this location
    !/hostroot/etc/cni/multus/net.d/*             <-----------------append this location
    $ oc replace -f <filename>.yaml
  • Confirm the changes are applied successfully

    $ oc get cm aide-worker-fileintegrity-worker0.xxxx-xxx-ocp.xxx.xxx.xx-failed -o yaml

Root Cause

Default FIO/AIDE config cannot exclude optional components of OpenShift, because by doing so it can open a door to exploit clusters that don’t have various optional components installed by modifying changes there. A user that is installing an optional component may create a custom AIDE config to exclude the directories that they know off as regularly modified by the optional operator they have installed.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Failed ConfigMap shows the below result:

    $ oc get cm aide-worker-fileintegrity-worker0.xxxx-xxx-ocp.xxx.xxx.xx-failed | grep -i "kubeconfig"
    f   ...    .C... : /hostroot/etc/cni/multus/net.d/v2-3-istio-cni.kubeconfig
    File: /hostroot/etc/cni/multus/net.d/v2-3-istio-cni.kubeconfig

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