May I only update one of the components I want on Red Hat OpenStack Platform?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform all version


  • May I just update Red Hat OpenStack Platform's horizon only without touching anything else?
  • May I only update one of the components I want on Red Hat OpenStack Platform?
  • How does Red Hat treat and support this kind of requirement from customers?
  • What is the official RH standpoint of the separate update on Red Hat OpenStack Platform?



Technically, users do able to update any conponent (such as only horizon) separately if they want. But please note that partial update is totally UN_TESTED and UN_SUPPORTED for Red Hat OpenStack Platform. This action is potentially risky.

2. The answer is NO

Users shouldn't treat Red Hat OpenStack Platform as the simple RHEL servers set, It's Application-DB servers set so user need to ensure that the related rpms or containers are not getting updated unnecessarily or getting updated separately.

3. Here are the update guide in the official doc

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