KubeScheduler not scheduling pods in RHOCP 4
Pods remain in Pending state and not getting scheduled to any nodes:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES controller-manager-gzbf4 0/1 Pending 0 130m <none> <none> <none> <none> controller-manager-lz5tr 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m <none> <none> <none> <none> controller-manager-rt4kf 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m <none> <none> <none> <none>
Logs like the following ones are shown in the
pods:k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-scheduler/app/server.go:246: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized vendor/k8s.io/client-go/informers/factory.go:134: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
Certificate errors are shown in the
logs:Unable to authenticate the request x509: certificate signed by unknown authority, verifying certificate
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
- 4
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