Configure cluster name as a label for Jira issues in RHACS in RHOCP 4
- Red Hat Openshift Container Platform 4
- Red Hat Advance Cluster Security 3
- For high severity deployment vulnerabilities how to enable the cluster name parameter in the Jira notifier for Stackrox?
- Does Stackrox Jira integration supports following in "Default Fields JSON" where as ${clustername} and ${} are meta parameters for the alert so, is it possible to refer these meta parameters as below?
"labels": [
There's an internal RFE in work but there is no ETAs and the request is at it's very early stage.
Workaround : Create some system policy for multiple clusters and define the scope for each policy for cluster and have multiple Jira integrations for each cluster with static labels or implement Jira feature called Automation which analyse content of the issue and add labels to the ticket.
Root Cause
- There could be number of secured clusters connected to central. So when an issue is identified and Jira issue is created, issue need to have a label with cluster name. How to configure the Jira integration to achieve this for single Jira notification.
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