osbuild fails to build an ISO >= 4GB
The below issue is encountered when the total size of the packages (with deps) exceeds 4GB:
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 bootiso:0-org.osbuild.xorrisofs failure:
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 ['/usr/bin/xorrisofs', '-verbose', '-V', 'RHEL-8-5-0-BaseOS-x86_64', '-sysid', 'LINUX', '-isohybrid-mbr', '/usr/share/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin', '-b', 'isolinux/isolinux.bin', '-c', 'isolinux/boot.cat', '-boot-load-size', '4', '-boot-info-table', '-no-emul-boot', '-rock', '-joliet', '-eltorito-alt-boot', '-e', 'images/efiboot.img', '-no-emul-boot', '-isohybrid-gpt-basdat', '-o', '/run/osbuild/tree/installer.iso', '/run/osbuild/inputs/tree']
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/run/osbuild/tree/installer.iso'
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 25.1g free
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/run/osbuild/inputs/tree'
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 libisofs: FAILURE : File "/liveimg.tar" cannot be added to image because its size is 4 GiB or larger
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 libisofs: FAILURE : A file is bigger than supported by used standard
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 xorriso : FAILURE : Failed to prepare session write run
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 xorriso : NOTE : -return_with SORRY 32 triggered by problem severity FAILURE
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 Traceback (most recent call last):
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 File "/run/osbuild/bin/org.osbuild.xorrisofs", line 160, in <module>
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 args["options"])
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 File "/run/osbuild/bin/org.osbuild.xorrisofs", line 153, in main
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 438, in run
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
Feb 18 17:26:08 localhost.localdomain osbuild-worker[472244]: 2022/02/18 17:26:08 subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/xorrisofs', '-verbose', '-V', 'RHEL-8-5-0-BaseOS-x86_64', '-sysid', 'LINUX', '-isohybrid-mbr', '/usr/share/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin', '-b', 'isolinux/isolinux.bin', '-c', 'isolinux/boot.cat', '-boot-load-size', '4', '-boot-info-table', '-no-emul-boot', '-rock', '-joliet', '-eltorito-alt-boot', '-e', 'images/efiboot.img', '-no-emul-boot', '-isohybrid-gpt-basdat', '-o', '/run/osbuild/tree/installer.iso', '/run/osbuild/inputs/tree']' returned non-zero exit status 32.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5
akaImage Builder
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