Maximum password length that RH-SSO allows in Password policies

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • RH-SSO 7.x


  • Maximum password length that RH-SSO allows in Password policies.
  • Does RH-SSO have a way in which we can define the maximum length of the password like we set minimum length of password ?
  • Does RH-SSO have any such limitation internally that it maintains regarding the password field?
  • Assuming that there is a way to set a maximum length, and we go ahead and set it - how does it affect the already existing users who may have a longer password than what we define?


  • "Maximum Length" password policy is available in RH-SSO 7.5" whereas in older version (older than RH-SSO 7.4) its not available , that indicates users can have as short, as long, as complex, as secure password as they want.
  • Using RH-SSO version older than 7.4 and in use of "Maximum Length" in password policies recommended to migrate RH-SSO version to 7.5.

Root Cause

  • Each new realm created has no password policies associated with it. This means users can have a password which they feel is suitable for there environment. This is great for development or if you are just learning and playing around with Red Hat Single Sign-On, but pretty much unacceptable in production environment. Red Hat Single Sign-On has a rich set of password policies you can enable through the Admin Console.

Diagnostic Steps

Refer Service Provider Interfaces for SPI implementations.

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