How do I enable screensharing when I use Google Chrome or Firefox on Wayland?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1


  • I want to be able to share my screen in Google Meet/Bluejeans etc while I use Google Chrome and Wayland
  • I want to be able to share my screen in Google Meet/Bluejeans while I use Firefox on Wayland


  • Ensure xdg-desktop-portal-gnome is installed. If it is not run dnf install -y xdg-desktop-portal-gnome.
  • Google has set chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer to enabled by default. No action is required in Chrome versions 110 and greater.
  • No additional steps are required for Firefox.

Diagnostic Steps

  • xdg-desktop-portal-gnome should be installed as a dependency with Gnome. This is tracked in bz 2172524

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