The open-iscsi initiator does not reuse iSIDs

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • RHEL6.1 and older
  • RHEL5.7 and older
  • iSCSI storage arrays implementing SCSI-3 persistent reservation implementations, based on SPC3 or SPC4

  • RHEL clusters using SCSI-PR with iSCSI storage.


  • The open-iSCSI initiator does not reuse initiator session identifiers. When using persistent reservations, this can cause a problem on iSCSI storage arrays.


  • Red Hat is aware of this problem and is working on a fix to be released in a future version of RHEL. For further details, please contact your support

Root Cause

  • Specification SPC3/SPC4 mandates that the device server shall apply the registration only to the I_T nexus that sent the PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command.
  • Also, rfc 3720 specifies that the I_T_nexus identifier contain the isid which is the initiator part of the session identifier.
  • Since open-iSCSI initiator does not implement Section 9 of rfc3720 that discusses iSID reuse, targets conforming to the spec would treat each session with a unique iSID as a new I_T_nexus.
  • So keys from older logged out sessions will become orphaned and start filling up the storage database.

  • This includes but is not limited to the use of fence_scsi. 

  • The result is that the  target thinks every session is a new session from a different initiator port.

  • This can lead to the target's storage database filling up with duplicate reservation keys.

Work Around:

  • The safest method to use for clearing out stale registrations is to shut down the cluster entirely and use the following command for each device.
  • WARNING - Do NOT attempt this command until the cluster has been shut completely down.

    sg_persist -o -C -K <key> -d <device>
  • This command will remove ALL registrations/reservations -- not just the key specified in the command. It only needs to be used once per device.

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