Restore down button missing from Remote Desktop console bar

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0


  • We've received a complaint from our users stating that they are not allowed to move/resize the Remote Desktop console to a second monitor or just resize it as the Restore Down button is missing from the remote desktop bar.
  • This seems to be happening only when our users click on a Windows VM from a pool within the Users portal.
  • If the users know the IP of the VM and launch the mstsc command from their local PC's directly they will be able to resize or move the window to a second monitor as the 'restore down' button is no longer missing'. Can you please advise how to get around this?

  • The first screenshot is missing the 'restore down' button from the tab which is what happens when you use 'remote desktop console' from the users portal. In that case our customers are not allowed to resize or move the window to a second monitor as the button is missing.


  • On the second picture you can see the 'restore down' button on the remote desktop tab. This is when you manually launch a RDP console from your local windows machine pointing to the IP of the VM from the RHEV pool. This is not good for us as our users don't know what IP the VM's will be assigned with.



  • Workarounds for 3.0/3.1:
  1. Use browser capability of MIME type to program registration, so that upon reception of specific mime type content it executes a program and provide the content as a parameter. Using this method, [almost] any browser can be supported as long as Spice/Vnc clients are installed on client. User can assign mime type to program relation manually, or you can later adjust the spice offering with this embedded, it should be trivial to do so for all browser and operating systems. This solution does not remove the plugin interaction if detected. It will be a regular native Remote Desktop Client.
  2. A direct RDP (from other windows clients, not from User-Portal) access to the VMs console.
  3. Spice console to the VM, instead of RDP.

Root Cause

  • In the 3.1 version, this button was explicitly disabled and quick test revealed that when the button is allowed it crashes the viewer.

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