When will the RHEL 6.5 kernel source browser be available?
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
- RHEL 6.5 has been released already, however the kernel source browser has not yet been provided on the following link: https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/sources/
The Red Hat Code Browser is now available and it contains kernels from MRG, RHEL 5.x, all 6.x, and 7.x kernels. The Red Hat Code Browser is a feature-rich application that allows you to both search and view Red Hat source code. With the Red Hat Code Browser, you can view all aspects of the source, including ChangeLogs, RPM spec files, and individual patches. You can also use this application to perform diffs on the source so that you can see changes in different versions of a file.
The Red Hat Code Browser is available here: https://access.redhat.com/labs/psb/
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