Sending JBoss ON alert notification to pager or mobile device using SMS

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (ON) 2, 3
  • Alert definition with an alert notification defined
  • Sending a JBoss ON alert notification to a mobile or paging device using Short Message Service (SMS)


  • Can notifications be sent via SMS?
  • Configure alerts paging to mobiles
  • Alert via SMS text message
  • Support SMS notification feature


JBoss ON does not provide a Short Message Service (SMS) alert notification server plug-in. A custom or third-party server plug-in would be required.

Although SMS is not directly supported as an alert notification destination, most mobile or paging services provide an SMS to email gateway address for their devices. This will allow you to use the alert-email server plug-in and enter the device's SMS to email gateway address as the recipient's email address.

Another alternative would be to use a script server resource or JBoss ON command-line interface (CLI) script to interact directly with your SMS gateway. The resource or CLI could then be invoked as an alert notification operation.

A request for feature enhancement (RFE) has been submitted for consideration in a future release of JBoss ON. The RFE asks that an alert-sms server plug-in be provided which could support a common SMS gateway implementation.

If you would like to request this feature or need additional information regarding the RFE, please contact Red Hat Global Support Services.

Root Cause

A Short Message Service (SMS) alert notification server plug-in is not available with the JBoss ON distribution. This means that you can not send an alert notification directly to an SMS gateway or GSM device.

A request for feature enhancement (RFE) has been submitted for review and consideration in a future release. The summary of the RFE is:

Currently, JBoss ON provides email, SNMP, and CLI alert notifications. However, there is no support for Short Message Service (SMS) gateway alert notification. As a monitoring system, SMS support should be a basic function for notifications.

Support for SMS notifications would allow the user to better monitor their enterprise. They could receive push notification without relying on email or other pull services that can delay delivery of notifications. This is especially important when administrators and operators are away from their terminal.

For mobile or telecom service providers who provide an SMS API that supports a command set using an HTTP GET request, a generic alert-sms plug-in should be provided that can be configured to invoke such requests.

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