Error message about not authorized iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole IAM policy during ROSA deployment

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
  • rosa cli
    • v1.1.2


  • When deploying your ROSA cluster using rosa cli, you met the following error messages.
level=error msg=Error: Error creating network Load Balancer: AccessDenied: User: arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/ManagedOpenShift-Installer-Role/1632485560814952049 is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/aws-service-role/


  • You can resolve this issue as running the following aws cmd before ROSA inastaller run.
$ aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name \

Root Cause

  • It happens in new accounts that have never had an LB before.

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