Can we remove a specific worker node on ROSA ?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS


  • You want to resize your ROSA cluster as removing a specific worker node.
  • You want to drain your running pods on a specific worker node which you will remove, before scaling-in on your ROSA cluster.


  • Unfortunately, you cannot remove a specific worker node. When scaling in your cluster, decreasing your worker replicas count, a random worker node would be removed.
  • Instead of it, the worker node would be removed after all running pods are drained safely.
  • ROSA worker node manages worker nodes using MachinePool which depends on MachineSet and Machine resources on the backend. Refer What happens when I delete a Machine? for more details.
What happens when I delete a Machine?
  This section assumes you’ve deleted a Machine from the API, rather than deleting a VM or Instance in the cloud provider.

  When a Machine is marked deleted, the associated Node is immediately cordoned and drained. 
  Draining utilizes the eviction API, so PodDisruptionBudgets will be respected. 
  If a Node cannot be successfully drained due to a PDB, the operation will retry indefinitely.

  After the associated Node is drained, the associated instance or VM is deleted from the cloud provider. 
  After the instance is deleted in the cloud provider, the associated Node object is deleted from the API.

  Finally, the finalizer is removed from the Machine object and the Machine object is removed from the API.

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