Minor update failing during converge step on octavia configuration

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • We are performing a minor update and the converge step is failing on octavia configuration:
0.058)       0:00:12.128 ****** ", "fatal: [dirc00]: FAILED! => {\"changed\": true, \"cmd\": \"openstack image create --disk-format qcow2  --container-format bare --tag amphora-image  --file /usr/share/openstack-octavia-amphora-images/octavia-amphora.qcow2  --property hw_architecture=x86_64  --private octavia-amphora-16.1-20210430.3.x86_64\\n\", \"delta\": \"0:04:41.881612\", \"end\": \"2021-09-17 12:55:08.758315\", \"msg\": \"non-zero return code\", \"rc\": 1, \"start\": \"2021-09-17 12:50:26.876703\", \"stderr\": \"Error finding address for [Errno 32] Broken pipe\", \"stderr_lines\": [\"Error finding address for [Errno 32] Broken pipe\"], \"stdout\": \"\", \"stdout_lines\": []}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "c3v-ops-dirc00             : ok=9    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=13   rescued=0    ignored=0   ", "", "Friday 17 September 2021  12:55:08 +0200 (0:04:42.131)       0:04:54.259 ****** "
  • From the director, we can list images on the overcloud:
[stack@dirc00 ~]$ source templates/overcloudrc
(overcloud) [stack@dirc00 ~]$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                                   | Status |
| 3de5dfb1-c21d-4e40-8946-1c404090fec8 | Bastion-OCP                            | active |
| b39b23cc-9ecd-456c-99bf-fc05a196627d | RHCOS                                  | active |
| 1e961fdb-6d2f-4214-8bce-685334ca273a | RHEL7.9                                | active |
| df4e1a89-bf13-4986-908c-aae3e60462d7 | RHEL8.2                                | active |
| b1d9b68d-0820-4544-bf43-c789a45ead9d | ansible-gateway                        | active |
| aabd8094-ca31-4ff8-867c-e4bfc68168b0 | bootstrap-ocp-cr-coll                  | active |
| 1733056b-2a16-4e04-9b06-d58b31ccae42 | octavia-amphora-16.1-20210322.1.x86_64 | active |
| 65ff268e-37b2-49cc-bc40-7f6ef5f57764 | octavia-amphora-16.1-20210322.1.x86_64 | active |
  • The converge did fail due to failure in completing upload/conversion of octavia image to glance:
64138 2021-09-17 12:54:54.244 26 ERROR glance.api.v2.image_data [req-4fb8c731-e6a2-49e0-a31d-5eb132e02091 095ba00884894a8
5a243c0df7af77389 b6e5cbc7e5b14d398980757b9648cdfa - default default] Failed to upload image data due to internal error: OSErr
or: unexpected end of file while parsing chunked data
64139 2021-09-17 12:54:54.289 26 ERROR glance.common.wsgi [req-4fb8c731-e6a2-49e0-a31d-5eb132e02091 095ba00884894a85a243c
0df7af77389 b6e5cbc7e5b14d398980757b9648cdfa - default default] Caught error: unexpected end of file while parsing chunked dat
a: OSError: unexpected end of file while parsing chunked data
 64198 2021-09-17 12:54:54.289 26 ERROR glance.common.wsgi     raise IOError("unexpected end of file while parsing chunked
 64199 2021-09-17 12:54:54.289 26 ERROR glance.common.wsgi OSError: unexpected end of file while parsing chunked data


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1 (RHOSP)

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