Is it possible to register two repositories RHEL 6 & RHEL 5 on a single server running RHEL 6?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5


  • Server with RHEL 6.4 registered with Redhat Network( RHN ) - repoid RHEL 6, would like to register one more repoid
    RHEL 5 on the same server.
  • Is it possible to install more than one base repository on my server ?
  • Is it possible to register RHEL 6 repository on RHEL 5 server ?


  • A base channel consists of packages based on a specific architecture and Red Hat Enterprise Linux release. So we cant mix and match them. It may lead to system unusable state.

  • A system must be subscribed to only one base channel. A system can be subscribed to multiple child channels of its base channel. A subscribed system can only install or update packages available through its Red Hat Network channels. When a system is registered with Red Hat Network, it is assigned to the base channel that corresponds to the system's version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

  • Refer the following link Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5

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