Quay Bridge Operator's script called "webhook-create-signed-cert.sh" creates a certificate that is valid for only 30 days
- One can't start builds because the
quay bridge operator
generatedSSL certificates
expires every 30 days. - After 30 days OpenShift can not launch any new builds. Following errors are seen from any
that is whitelisted in the operator:
Error "failed calling webhook "quayintegration.redhatcop.redhat.io": Post "https://quay-bridge-operator.openshift-operators.svc:443/admissionwebhook?timeout=30s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2021-08-12T14:18:34Z is after 2021-08-11T22:44:28Z" for field "undefined".
- Red Hat Quay
- v3.5
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