Iced-Tea Web proxy fails with NTLM and HTTP
Iced-Tea Web transparent NTLM proxy authentication fails with the following error in javaws_last_log.txt
[ITW-JAVAWS][MESSAGE_DEBUG][net.sourceforge.jnlp.cache.ResourceDownloader.getUrlResponseCodeWithRedirectonResult(] NETX Thread# 486c0d93, name itwpool-1-itwthread-1 Key : Proxy-Authenticate ,Value : [NTLM]
[ITW-JAVAWS][ERROR_DEBUG][net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.HttpUtils.consumeAndCloseConnectionSilently(] NETX Thread# 486c0d93, name itwpool-1-itwthread-1 Server returned HTTP response code: 407 for URL: http://host:8011/forms/java/example.jnlp
- Iced-Tea Web
- OpenJDK 8 u302
- Windows
- NTML authentication
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