Quay.io rate limiting

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  • Quay.io


Does the quay.io API rate limit on the number of requests from a client?


Quay.io limits the number of requests any client makes to its APIs per IP address and API endpoint. This happens both for the standard OCI distribution spec APIs leverage with container clients like docker and podman or runtimes like CRI-O as well as Quay.io's own APIs.

This limit is set to a few requests per second per IP, with some bursting capabilities to mitigate heavy but short loads, and enables a standard usage pattern. If the limit is surpassed, Quay.io API endpoints return an HTTP 429 "Too many requests" response.
This is typical for any SaaS offering to provide equal quality of service to all users. The rate limit is global and there is no differentiation per namespace level.
Note that this is not a pull-rate limiting for container images.

Root Cause

A client (such as docker or podman) is making an excessive number of requests to the same API endpoint on Quay.io

Diagnostic Steps

Your client, e.g. when trying to pull an image or listing image tags, will receive an HTTP response with a 429 status code, along with the error message "Too many requests".

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