Ownership transfer of OSD/ROSA clusters

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager (OCM)


  • Cluster owner leaves the company and the cluster ownership needs to be transferred to someone else within the same organization because pull secrets are deactivated with the user's account.
  • As part of an OSD trial, an OSD cluster was provisioned in a personal account and now want to transfer it to the corporate account/organization for managing subscriptions.
  • An OSD CCS Marketplace cluster was created in a personal account and then needs to transfer it to the main corporate organization.


There is an internal WIP task to provide self-service support to change the ownership of an OSD/ROSA cluster. In case that only the pull-secret needs to be renewed, please refer to How to request pull-secret rotation.

Currently, to transfer the cluster ownership, a new support case is needed including the following information in the case description:

  • Log in to the OCM web console with the new cluster owner's credentials.
  • The clusterID (can be seen in the OCM web console or running the command in the "Diagnostic Steps" section) of the cluster to transfer the ownership.
  • The current cluster owner's username or email and the Account Number in the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  • The new cluster owner's username or email and the Account Number in the Red Hat Customer Portal.

    clusterID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Current Owner:
      username: [user_name]
      email: [email]
      Account Number: [account_number]
    New Owner:
      username: [user_name]
      email: [email]
      Account Number: [account_number]

The information about the User and the Account Number can be seen in the Red Hat Customer Portal, when clicking in the "avatar" in the top right of the page.

Root Cause

To transfer the ownership of an OSD/ROSA cluster, it's needed to open a support case selecting the correct product.

Diagnostic Steps

Use the following command to get the clusterID of a cluster:

$ oc get clusterversion -o yaml | grep clusterID

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