How to get the resource ID of an ARO cluster?

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  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 (ARO)


  • How to check if an OpenShift cluster is ARO?
  • How to differentiate if a cluster is a Red Hat managed ARO cluster or a self-managed OCP cluster on Azure platform.


An ARO cluster will have an Azure Resource ID that contains Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift on it , which looks like:


It is possible to get the Resource ID with the az CLI command:

$ az aro show -n [cluster_name] -g [rg_name] --query 'id'

Additional Information in the cluster for ARO clusters only

There is also some information in the cluster to check if it's an ARO cluster or not:

  • Existence of the ARO Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and getting the Resource ID from it (this resource is not collected by must-gather, so it's only available when checking the cluster):

    $ oc get cluster -o,RESOURCE_ID:.spec.resourceId
    cluster   /subscriptions/$sub_id/resourceGroups/$rg/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$cluster_name
  • The configmap cluster-config-v1 in namespace kube-system show if the cluster is ARO (it can be shown in a must-gather):

    $ oc get cm cluster-config-v1 -n kube-system -o yaml
            aro: true
              offer: aro4
              publisher: azureopenshift
              sku: aro_48

Note: The steps below are valid for clusters that were initially installed at version 4.7 or later:

  • The configmap: openshift-install-manifests in namespace openshift-config has ARO in the invoker field (it can be shown in a must-gather):

    $ oc get cm openshift-install-manifests -n openshift-config -o yaml                                                                                                                
    apiVersion: v1
      invoker: ARO

Root Cause

An ARO cluster has an Azure Resource ID and also some resources indicating that the cluster is ARO.

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