Pods stuck in Pending state with error ' X node(s) didn't match the node selector'

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4.x


  • Fluentd pods stuck in Pending state.
fluentd-2nbcv                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-68mdv                                 1/1    Running  0         9m50s
fluentd-7ll2m                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-7pbsb                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-867nf                                 1/1    Running  0         9m48s
fluentd-g8769                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-j6lps                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-js5cb                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
fluentd-l22w8                                 1/1    Running  0         9m57s
fluentd-srgxn                                 0/1    Pending  0         10m
  • Event logs in the openshift-logging project showing below error messages.
 0/X nodes are available: X node(s) didn't match the node selector.


  • Check the default scheduler configuration.
$ oc get scheduler cluster -o yaml 
  • Check if the defaultNodeSelector is configured.
  • Remove the defaultNodeSelector from default scheduler.
$ oc edit scheduler cluster
  • kubeapiserver will restart to apply the changes. Once it is applied, all the pods stuck in Pending will start Running.

  • Once the kubeapiserver pods are restarted. Delete the pods that are in thePending` state.

$ oc delete pod <podinpendingstate>

Root Cause

  • If defaultNodeSelector is configured then the scheduler stops pods from scheduling on any other node. Only the node which matches defaultNodeSelector is available for scheduling new pods.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the default scheduler configuration.
$ oc get scheduler cluster -o yaml 

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