The service-ca cluster operator stuck in progressing state and monitoring operator is degraded due to SCC modifications.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Cluster operators: service-ca remains True in progressing state and monitoring operator is degraded.
# oc get co
NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
monitoring                                 4.7.0     False       False         True       26h
service-ca                                 4.7.0     True        True          False      26h
  • No replicas available for service-ca, as relayed by the service-ca operator.
Progressing: service-ca does not have available replicas
  • The service-ca pod is stuck in pending state with the following error message:
$ oc get pod -n openshift-service-ca
NAME                             READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
pod/service-ca-XXX  0/1    Pending  0         1d
message: 'container has runAsNonRoot and image will run as root (pod: "service-ca-XXX_openshift-service-ca",
          container: service-ca-controller)'
        reason: CreateContainerConfigError
  • The monitoring cluster operator is degraded due to the below error message. The unavailable service-ca pod causes the issue with trusting of internal service-serving certificates, such as shown below.
message: 'Failed to rollout the stack. Error: running task Updating Telemeter
      client failed: reconciling Telemeter client Prometheus Rule failed: updating
      PrometheusRule object failed: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook
      "": Post "https://prometheus-operator.openshift-monitoring.svc:8080/admission-prometheusrules/validate?timeout=5s":
      x509: certificate signed by unknown authority'
    reason: UpdatingTelemeterclientFailed


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
    • 4.x

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