Post Fast Forward Upgrade ceph error: auth entities have invalid capabilities

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Openstack Platform (RHOSP) version is 13.
  • Fast Forward Upgrade (FFU) install RHOSP 16.1 .


  • After the Fast Forward Upgrade (FFU) from Red Hat Openstack Platform (RHOSP) version 13 Z 14 to RHOSP 16.1 Z 3, the ceph health status is found to HEALTH_ERR.


  • An upstream patch to fix this issue is present. Please follow the following link: Link to the FIX.

  • Until the patch installation is possible to manually remove the osd cap from client.openstack. To manually do that, please follow the following steps:

    - ceph auth export client.openstack > client.openstack
    - edit client.openstack and remove the osd caps line
    - reimport the key without the osd section

Root Cause

  • The issue is the osd where the cap was missing:

            key: <KEY>
            caps: [mgr] allow *
            caps: [mon] profile rbd
            caps: [osd] 
  • In this case ceph is used only using rgw as a swift backend, so it is expected that no capabilities are added to osd.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Verify the ceph status using the following commands:

    ceph -s
    ceph health detail
    ceph auth list| grep -A10 client.openstack
  • Here is an example of the results of the above commands:

    [root@ctr0 ~]# ceph -s
        id:     <ID>
        health: HEALTH_ERR
                1 auth entities have invalid capabilities
        mon: 3 daemons, quorum ctr0,ctr1,ctr2 (age 15h)
        mgr: ctr0(active, since 16h), standbys: ctr1, ctr2
        osd: 9 osds: 9 up (since 6d), 9 in (since 6d)
        rgw: 3 daemons active (ctr0.rgw0, ctr1.rgw0, ctr2.rgw0)
      task status:
        pools:   11 pools, 96 pgs
        objects: 1.48k objects, 4.9 GiB
        usage:   2.6 TiB used, 9.8 TiB / 12 TiB avail
        pgs:     96 active+clean
    [root@ctr0 ~]# ceph health detail
    HEALTH_ERR 1 auth entities have invalid capabilities
    AUTH_BAD_CAPS 1 auth entities have invalid capabilities
        client.openstack osd capability parse failed, stopped at '' of ''
    [root@ctr0 ~]# ceph auth list | grep -A10 client.openstack
    installed auth entries:
            key: <KEY>
            caps: [mgr] allow *
            caps: [mon] profile rbd
            caps: [osd] 
            key: <KEY>
            caps: [mgr] allow *
            caps: [mon] allow rw
            caps: [osd] allow rwx

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