Unable to create floating ip from routed provider network

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Openstack Platform 16


  • Unable to create floating ip from routed provider network.


  • Creating of floating IP on routed networks is not possible till writing of this KCS.
  • RFE has been raised for it which is tracked in Bugzilla 1848474

Root Cause

  • FIP on router network is not supported in OSP and configuring this would need additional features like BGP speaker outside the cloud.
  • BGP speaker advertises route to BGP peers which are added to BGP speaker. Incorporating these features are planned to be included in future releases.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Creation of FIP from routed provider network using below steps throws the error as "Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Unable to find any IP address on external network".

    1. #openstack network create --enable --description "Test multisegment network" --mtu 1500 --external --provider-network-type vlan --provider-physical-network datacentre --provider-segment 2654 multisegment
    2. #openstack network segment set --name segment1 $(openstack network segment list --network multisegment -c ID -f value)
    3. #openstack network segment create --physical-network datacentre --segment 2655 --network-type vlan --network multisegment segment2
    4. #openstack subnet create --subnet-range xx.xx.xx.xx/xx --no-dhcp --gateway xx.xx.xx.xx --ip-version 4 --network multisegment --network-segment segment1 --allocation-pool start=xx.xx.xx.xx,end=xx.xx.xx.xx --dns-nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx --dns-nameserver --service-type 'network:floatingip' --service-type 'network:router_gateway' multisegment-subnet1
    5. #openstack subnet create --subnet-range xx.xx.xx.xx/xx --no-dhcp --gateway xx.xx.xx.xx --ip-version 4 --network multisegment --network-segment segment2 --allocation-pool start=xx.xx.xx.xx,end=xx.xx.xx.xx --dns-nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx --dns-nameserver --service-type 'network:floatingip' --service-type 'network:router_gateway' multisegment-subnet2
    6. #openstack floating ip create multisegment
    Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Unable to find any IP address on external network d68fa1f7-9d4d-4ad1-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6

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