How to change file extension in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5/6


  • What are the steps to change file extensions  in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Like Windows, I can manually change a file extension by simply right-clicking the file and renaming its extension.

       Is there a similar way in Red Hat?

  • How to change file extenstion in RHEL?


There are two ways to change file extensions in RHEL, 1)  Command line  2) Graphical Mode.

Command line:

Open terminal and type following command "#mv filename.oldextension filename.newextension"

For example if you want to change "index.html" to "index.php" you would type the following command.

#mv index.html index.php

Graphical Mode:

Same as Microsoft Windows right click and rename its extension.

Multiple file extension change.

for x in *.html; do mv "$x" "${x%.html}.php"; done

This script will change all files in current directory ending with html extension to

php extension. (*.html to *.php), You can customize it as per your requirment.

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