Uncommenting LOG_FILE option in /etc/sysconfig/cgred.conf causes cgred service to fail in RHEL 6

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Trying to use the LOG_FILE option in the /etc/sysconfig/cgred.conf, e.g. just uncommenting the default line give in the file:

    # Uncomment the following line to log to specified file instead of syslog

[Re]start the cgred service and it fails:

# service cgred start
Starting CGroup Rules Engine Daemon: /sbin/cgrulesengd: unrecognized option '--log-file=/var/log/cgrulesengd.log'

cgrulesengd -- a daemon for the cgroups rules engine

Usage : cgrulesengd [options]

  options :
    -q           | --quiet             quiet mode
    -v           | --verbose           verbose mode
    -f <path>    | --logfile=<path>    write log to file
    -s[facility] | --syslog=[facility] write log to syslog
    -n           | --nodaemom          don't fork daemon
    -d           | --debug             same as -v -v -n -f -
    -Q           | --nolog             disable logging
    -h           | --help              show this help



  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6
  • libcgroup prior to 0.37-2.el6

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