Red Hat Satellite upgrade failing on every check with cannot allocate memory error.
- While upgrading the Satellite server using foreman-maintain utility, It fails on every check with error as
cannot allocate memory
Check for old tasks in paused/stopped state: [FAIL]
Found 1154 paused or stopped task(s) older than 30 days
Continue with step [Delete old tasks]?, [y(yes), n(no), q(quit)] y
Delete tasks:
| Backup dynflow_actions [running] [FAIL]
Cannot allocate memory - bzip2 /var/lib/foreman-maintain/backup-tasks/old/20XX-XX-XX_X0-00-XX/dynflow_actions.csv -c -9 > /var/lib/foreman-maintain/backup-tasks/old/20XX-XX-XX_X0-00-XX/dynflow_actions.csv.bz2 2>&1
Rerunning the check after fix procedure
Check for old tasks in paused/stopped state: [FAIL]
Cannot allocate memory - PGPASSWORD='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U foreman -d foreman 2>&1
- Unable to upgrade the Satellite server with satellite-maintain utility.
- After increasing the memory on the satellite server upgrade still fails with cannot allocate memory error.
- Red Hat Satellite 6.5 and above.
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