Why does the Ansible URI module convert a string to a boolean?
- Why does the Ansible URI module convert a string to a boolean?
TASK [Calling testing build] ***************************************************
"content_length": "102",
"status": 400,
"changed": false,
"connection": "close",
"vary": "Accept, Accept-Language, Origin, Cookie",
"elapsed": 0,
"x_api_time": "0.193s",
"content_language": "en",
"content_type": "application/json",
"date": "Tue, 30 Jun 2020 15:31:23 GMT",
"x_api_product_version": "3.7.1",
"msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200, 201]: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request",
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"x_api_node": "localhost",
"url": "https://rh-tower.example.org/api/v2/workflow_job_templates/12/launch/",
"x_api_product_name": "Red Hat Ansible Tower",
"json": {
"variables_needed_to_start": [
"Value True for 'backup_tag' expected to be one of ['True', 'False']."
"server": "nginx",
"content": "{\"variables_needed_to_start\":[\"Value True for 'backup_tag' expected to be one of ['True', 'False'].\"]}",
"x_api_total_time": "0.240s",
"allow": "GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS",
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"directory_mode": null,
"force": false,
"remote_src": null,
"status_code": [
" 201"
"follow": false,
"owner": null,
"body_format": "json",
"client_key": null,
"group": null,
"use_proxy": true,
"unix_socket": null,
"unsafe_writes": null,
"serole": null,
"content": null,
"setype": null,
"follow_redirects": "safe",
"return_content": true,
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"extra_vars": {
"backup_tag": true,
"it_mod_tag": "testing"
"timeout": 30,
"src": null,
"dest": null,
"selevel": null,
"force_basic_auth": true,
"removes": null,
"http_agent": "ansible-httpget",
"user": "admin",
"regexp": null,
"url": "https://rh-tower.example.org/api/v2/workflow_job_templates/12/launch/",
"backup": null,
"seuser": null,
"client_cert": null,
"creates": null,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"delimiter": null,
"mode": null,
"url_username": "admin",
"attributes": null,
"validate_certs": false
"redirected": false
- Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.7
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