Ocs-operator pod fails to reconcile the cluster due to StorageClassName set to null

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) 4.3+


  • noobaa-endpoint keeps starting and ending at CrashLoopBackOff state after upgrading the OCS cluster.
  • OCS cluster is upgraded to the next version, but the Ceph cluster is not upgraded.
  • ocs-operator fails to reconcile the cluster due to StorageClassName set to null in StorageClassDeviceSet.


  • Take a backup of StorageCluster:
$ oc get StorageCluster ocs-storagecluster -oyaml > StorageCluster.yaml
  • Modify the StorageCluster to explicitly specify the desired StorageClass for creating OSD PVCs.
$ oc edit StorageCluster ocs-storagecluster
           - config: {}
             count: 1
                 creationTimestamp: null
                 - ReadWriteOnce
                     storage: 2Ti
                 storageClassName: null                   <----------------- Change here
                 volumeMode: Block
               status: {}
             name: ocs-deviceset
             placement: {}
             portable: true
             replica: 3
             resources: {}
           version: 4.3.0

Root Cause

  • The OCS v4.2 did not have any check and it allowed the StorageCluster creation to go through. When upgrading to OCS v4.3, the check was introduced in the ocs-operator, and it refused to reconcile.

  • OCS management-console was inappropriately setting an empty string when selecting a StorageClass at the time of deploying OCS cluster A check was introduced in the bug fix to not allow an empty string as the StorageClassName for the StorageClassDeviceSet.

  • The issue has been identified as a bug in RHOCP v4.3 and was being tracked by the Red Hat Engineering team under BZ-1812448.

  • The bug has been fixed in the RHOCP v4.4 and later backported to RHOCP v4.3 as per Errata RHBA-2020:1437. If this issue still occurs after updating, open a support case in the Red Hat Customer Portal referring to this solution.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the ocs-operator logs and see the following error:
$ oc logs ocs-operator-<pod-suffix> | grep 'no StorageClass specified'
2020-06-11T16:16:53.986834199Z{"level":"error","ts":"2020-06-11T16:16:53.986Z","logger":"controller_storagecluster","msg":"Failed to validate StorageDeviceSets","Request.Namespace":"openshift-storage","Request.Name":"ocs-storagecluster","error":"failed to validate StorageDeviceSet 0: no StorageClass specified", ...}

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