[RHUI3]How to Reapply Configuration to CDS or HAProxy Instances in RHUI

Solution Verified - Updated -


Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI) 3.


For some Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI) updates to take effect, configuration must be reapplied to Content Delivery Server (CDS) or HAProxy load-balancer nodes. Updates that require this action typically involve a change made to RHUI that affects Apache or HAProxy settings. Refer to individual RHUI errata when determining whether configuration must be reapplied after applying the update.


Configuration can be reapplied in the text user interface (TUI) or the command line interface (CLI) of the rhui-manager tool.


  1. On the RHUA node, run rhui-manager. Log in if prompted.
  2. On the home screen, enter c to manage content delivery servers.
  3. Now enter r. An enumerated list of content deliver servers will be shown.
  4. Enter 1 to reapply configuration to the first server.
  5. When the action completes, enter the next number. Repeat this until you have gone through all your content delivery servers.

To reapply configuration to HAProxy load-balancer instances, follow the same procedure but enter l in the second step.


You must know your CDS hostnames. If you do not know them, run rhui cds list on the RHUA node first.

For each CDS hostname, run:

rhui cds reinstall HOSTNAME

To reapply configuration to HAProxy load-balancer instances, you must know their hostnames. If you do not know them, run rhui haproxy list on the RHUA node first.

For each HAProxy hostname, run:

rhui haproxy reinstall HOSTNAME

Diagnostic Steps

A RHUI errata advisory instructs users to reapply configuration to CDS or HAProxy nodes.

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